Trying out DigitalOcean

I’ve been using Linode in the past 6 years. Their services have been good. But recently there have been 2 outages. So maybe it’s a good time to try out DigitalOcean now.

Just created an account and they have a referral program. If you also want to try out, then you can use the below link to get a discount and I’ll get some dollars in return:

I’ll present a review in some days.









Advantages of Chinese Teaching

OK, I use this title just to bring attention.

After watching all 3 episodes of the BBC documentary, Are our kids tough enough, Chinese School,  in my opinion, there is one aspect of British kids that really needs to improve: coping with competition and failure.

When British kids were in the PE class, they were very upset that they might fail. Philippa actually sobbed on not passing one item. And she said:

“I just don’t think comparing yourself to others is a good, healthy life style.”


Philippa is not alone. In the 1st episode, we saw another boy sobbed during PE class.

Well, I have to agree with Philippa that it is not a healthy life style. But competition is part of life. Ranking students all the time with different measures is of course too much, but exposing them to a certain dose of competition is essential to their development. To Philippa, I’d say it’s equally not healthy if young people are so scared of competition that they sob on a failure in just one PE preparation. I don’t want my daughter to be so fragile.

So this is the advantage of Chinese teaching. Put all the drawbacks aside, this is probably one thing Britain should learn from Chinese teaching: To get the kids used to competition.


BBC的纪录片“Are out Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School”,中文名“我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校”一下子就火了朋友圈了。上网一搜,各种评论铺天盖地。赶快花了两个小时找到看看,免得落后时代太远。下面的我的感想和评论:







It’s about language and culture, dude


It came to me as a complete surprise that the BBC documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School got so much attention, and the debate over which is better, the Chinese way or the British way, actually got so heated up.

So I just spent 2 hours watching it on Youtube and here’s what I think.

First of all, I’d say the heated debate and all the furious comments on which way of teaching is better are mostly not based on the video itself. Because what the documentary shows is not a meaningful comparison. All the Chinese teachers simply failed miserably in managing their classes from the very beginning, due largely to, in my humble opinion, cultural conflict and language barrier. So I’ll base my comment on the program and maybe comment on the debate over this program in a separate post.

The Experiment

I don’t know who organized this. I think it’s a fantastic idea in terms of cultural exchange. But if the goal is to compare the Chinese way of teaching to the British way of teaching,  it cannot be taken seriously.

Teaching involves extensive interaction between the teachers and the students. Language barrier and cultural difference cannot be overlooked. Stories of foreign teachers got frustrated in Chinese classes because Chinese students were inactive have been around since 20+ years now. Why should we expect the Chinese teachers not to be shocked in a British school? This cultural shock should be expected and extra time should be planned for both the teachers and the students to adapt.

继续阅读It’s about language and culture, dude

Skin color is an illusion from Nina Jablonski

This talk is kind of special. The content has nothing really new to me, except the fact that Darwin had actually concluded that skin color has nothing to do with climate. However, Ms. Nina Jablonski delivered it in such passion and power that you feel the urge of immediate action.

You can tell from the fluent flow of long sentences that this is for sure a carefully prepared talk. But no passion was lost in the preparation. Outstanding!

setting up OTRS 4

I was asked to evaluate some ticket tracking tools and OTRS came back into my mind. The following steps outline the procedure to have OTRS correctly installed on CentOS 7:

  1. LAMP stack; You probably already have it. And on your system you might have MariaDB instead of MySQL. That doesn’t matter.
  2. Install and configure Postfix and Dovecot.
  3. Make sure the following configuration for MySQL has been taken care of, especially for the 3rd line:
  4. Install some additional perl modules from EPEL repository.
  5. Install OTRS from command line:
    yum install --nogpgcheck
  6. Once the installation is done, continue with the web installer from:
    http://<your host ip>/otrs/
  7. Simply following the wizard and then you should have a working OTRS installation.
  8. Login to OTRS using super admin account. Go to “Admin->System Administration->Package Manager” and install additional packages. Typically you’d want have OTRS:ITSM and other related packages.

Up to here, you have a working installation. In order to work with OTRS, now you have to configure all the queues, agents, customers, groups, templetes, etc. Have fun!



WordPress网站的页面底端通常有一句话,英文原文是“Proudly Powered by WordPress”,链接到WordPress网站。这句话当前的官方翻译是,“自豪地采用WordPress”。我个人认为,这个翻译是蹩脚的字面翻译,中国人不大会用这种语言致谢。更好的翻译应该是“低调地使用WordPress”。


  1. 创建一个child theme。
  2. 在child theme的functions.php中加入如下代码:

[code language=”php”]
function change_attribute_line( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
        switch ( $text ) {
            case ‘Proudly powered by %s’ :
               $translated_text = __( ‘低调地使用%s’);
return $translated_text;
add_filter(‘gettext’, ‘change_attribute_line’,20,3);



如果我搜索替换后的字符串“Proudly powered by WordPress”,是搜索不到的。我刚开始不明白(不仅WordPress文档没有指出这一点,网上好像也没有人遇到这个问题)所以在此花了很长时间。希望看到帖子的同学们可以节省一些时间。

Replacing WordPress translation by hooking to gettext

In a typical WordPress website, you see this line in the page footer:

“Proudly powered by WordPress”

This line links to WordPress website. The official Chinese translation of this line is:


I’m using WordPress in several of my websites and I found it’s annoying: It’s a word to word translation and it’s simply not what we Chinese would say when we want to attribute something to someone. After some thinking, I think the appropriate translation should be:


“采用”emphasis the choosing of WordPress, “使用”emphasis the fact we are using WordPress right now.

The message is clear and typical Chinese: I’m a humble webmaster. All the glories go to WordPress.

So I set out to change the translation. It turned out to be rather complicated, but here’s how I finally accomplished it:

  1. Create a child theme of your current theme, because you’ll have to rewrite its logic and you don’t want your effort to be overwritten by an upgrade of that theme. The procedure of creating a child theme can be found here.
  2. In your function.php file, add the following lines:

[code language=”php”]
function change_attribute_line( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
        switch ( $text ) {
            case ‘Proudly powered by %s’ :
               $translated_text = __( ‘低调地采用%s’);
return $translated_text;
add_filter(‘gettext’, ‘change_attribute_line’,20,3);

That’s it.

Notice that I search for $text instead of $translated_text. You can also search for $translated_text. That would be:
[code language=”php”]
        switch ( $translated_text ) {
            case ‘自豪地采用%s’ :
               $translated_text = __( ‘低调地使用%s’);
return $translated_text;
I search for $text because I assume (I’m not sure) search for non-unicode string will be faster.

It’s worth noting that both strings have placeholders in it. Initially I was trying to search the whole string, “Proudly powered by WordPress” or “自豪地采用WordPress” and failed. The fact that the above code works tells us, gettext() and its filters are called before the placeholders get replaced. I spent a lot of time figuring this out. It’s not mentioned in the document, nor did anyone post this on the web. This is actually the key reason why I write this post. Someone from WordPress should update the document.




Tang Bohu
cover image of story book “Tang Bohu”.

文:范钧宏 吕瑞明 任梅

Man Jiang Hong
Cover page of storybook “Man Jiang Hong”

文:李源 任宝贤
图:韩亚洲 范世评

Ba Xie Guo Hai
Cover page of story book “Ba Xie Guo Hai”

文:吴晗 李大发


