AC-3 support gets back again in VLC for iOS

A year ago, VLC on iOS was forced to remove its support for AC3 codec. I found almost all my videos on iPad were muted.

Since then, I haven’t bothered to check other options. I don’t mind paying a few dollars but I’ve been using VLC since years on all of my computers and mobile phones. There’s simply no other comparable alternatives that works equally well on Windows, Linux, OS X as well as iOS.

Today, I opened VLC on my iPhone again and noticed that I can play my videos with sound again! I checked the official website for sure and got this:

The link on iTunes also confirmed this. However, nowhere did I find details how did the developers solved the patent issue. Let’s hope it’s fixed for good.

SSH Logon takes long time?

I’ve been suffering from this on CentOS 7 for quite some time now but haven’t really have time to dig into it.

Just today, I noticed the line after a successful logon:

Last login: Fri March 27 16:03:23 2016 from gateway.

Aha, now I know where the time has been spent. The SSHd must have taken a long time to figure out the host name of my login IP.

I’ve suspected this before, but in my sshd_config file, the line “UseDNS” was commented out, so I thought it must be something else.

A simple “man sshd_config” revealed that, “UseDNS yes” is actually the default setting:

UseDNS  Specifies whether sshd(8) should look up the remote host name and check that the resolved host name for the remote IP address maps back to the very same IP address.  The default is “yes”.

So I just add “UseDNS no” in the configuration file and restarted sshd. Problem solved.


Shanghai Restaurants that are worth-noting

无意中看到了这个片子,Rick Stein’s Taste of Shanghai. 其中列举了很多值得一去的上海餐馆。我记录在下面以便下次去上海的时候按图索麒。加粗的是Rick Stein非常推荐的。

  • 佳家汤包
  • 寿宁路夜市,大闸蟹
  • 吴师傅葱油饼-法租界,茂名路159弄2号后门,近南昌路
  • 米香园-红烧肉
  • 崇明岛清蒸?鱼
  • 小米酒,上海农家酿酒有限公司
  • 富?
  • 猪杂面,黄浦区复兴中路,格林泰豪对面
  • 下午茶-和平饭店
  • 天鸿酒家- 普陀区 铜川路977号(近兰溪路),葱爆蛤蜊
  • 臭豆腐-金山?
  • 白斩鸡



a new way of defining $$e$$ the Euler number


This is inspired by a post on Quora by Alon Amit. I found this approach of defining e, the Euler number more intuitive than the traditional way($$e=\lim_{n \to \infty} (1+\frac{1}{n})^n$$). In addition, it explains the importance of the Euler number very well.

First of all, we need a function that solves the elementary differential equation:

$$\frac{d f(x)}{d x} = f(x)$$

Of course, without specifying an initial value, this equation will have infinite number of solutions. Just for convenience, let’s specify:


By Picard–Lindelöf theorem, our equation:

$$\begin{gather*} \frac{d f(x)}{d x} = f(x)\\f(0)=1 \end{gather*} $$

has one and only one solution.

Now, let’s see what kind of property this function $$f(x)$$ has.

继续阅读a new way of defining $$e$$ the Euler number



$$e=\lim_{n \to \infty} (1+\frac{1}{n})^n$$

然后在后续的讨论中发现$$e$$的种种奇妙性质。前一段在Quora上看到Alon Amit解释了$$e$$的来源,觉得这种新的定义方式一方面更直观,另一方面从一开始就展示了$$e$$为什么很重要。


$$f’=f$$                         ……(1)





$$f(x+a)=c*f(x)$$                     ……(2)









$$\begin{gather*} \frac{d f(x)}{d x} = f(x)\\f(0)=1 \end{gather*} $$









相对而言,把$$e$$定义为$$\lim_{n \to \infty} (1+\frac{1}{n})^n$$,然后推导相应的性质,不如这样定义$$e$$来的直观。


注,后续搜索发现,认为$$e$$的重要性来自于$$e^x$$的导数就是其自身的看法很有渊源。英文维基的exponential function页面说,

The reason this number e is considered the “natural” base of exponential functions is that this function is its own derivative.


This natural exponential function is identical with its derivative. This is really the source of all the properties of the exponential function, and the basic reason for its importance in applications…


Another documentary from Simon Schama

I’m a big fan of <A history of Britain> and <Power of Art>, so inevitably became of fan of Simon Schama.

Face of Britain is the new documentary from Simon Schama. I just watched the 1st part, Face of Power. It’s just as brilliant as the other Simon Schama documentaries. In particular, I like Simon Schama’s way of story telling. For example, here’s the opening story of the first part.


On Churchill’s 80th birthday on 1954, the painting commissioned a portrait for him as a present to proclaim his contribution and leadership during WWII.

By the time the parliament is about to unveil this painting in an formal assemble, Churchill had already seen it and hated it. Here’s how he remarked:


The portrait is a remarkable example of modern art.

Churchill hated this painting so much that in the end this painting was burned.

Wikipedia has a page for this story, but it was found out rather recently that the painting was burnt soon after the event.

Simon Schama uses this story to show the “will contest” between the painter and the person being portrayed. I was fascinated instantly.

A documentary on algorithms

I guess it’s not easy to get journalism and algorithm together. Finally here’s comes a documentary about algorithms, made by BBC – The Secret Rules of Modern Living: Algorithms.

It’s intended for general public, so it’s just a gentle introduction. From Euclid’s algorithm to find greatest common divisor to different sorting algorithms to traveling sales man problem to matching algorithm and eventually to machine learning. The algorithms are well illustrated and explained. It’s just enough to expose the audience to the world of algorithm without intimidating them. More importantly, from what I can see, there’s no misconceptions that are commonly seen in introductions of algorithms made by mass media (except maybe the comparison between bubble sort and merge sort is overly simplified and didn’t take memory consumption into consideration).

One interesting scene in the documentary: President Obama was in an interview and was presented a typical computer science question:


“What is the most efficient way to sort a million 32-bit integers?”

After some hesitation, he actually answered:


“I think Bubble Sort would be the wrong way to go.”

Not bad for a president, I must say. Some say it is staged. But it’s still funny to see how Mr. President tried to circumvent the real question with a safe correct answer. You can see the interview here on YouTube.




@猛虎细嗅蔷薇 的回答已经切中了要点:
是否有利于经济发展,是否能带来经济发展,是否有实用价值,是一个非常单一的标准。而人类社会的发展是非常多维度的。无数美好的理想,信念,从实用角度一文不值。那是因为只知道从实用角度看,本来就错了。李明确说,党的执政合法性来自于“舍我其谁的执政能力”,但是说出来的执政能力表现完全集中于经济发展。 由此看来,李世默的演讲,其实本来不值得探讨。

另一方面,这个演讲的新鲜之处在于,显然他在为现行体制辩护——如果如楼上某些人所言,他仅仅是在 消解宏大叙事,那就完全不必赞美现行体制了,也不必论证党的执政合法性了——论证的起点却是共产主义宏大叙事的幻灭。此外,他选择直面执政合法性这个敏感 话题。直率的不像体制内!


  1. 共产主义宏大叙事已经是共产党执政的负资产,必须要抛弃,只是要讲策略,讲时机;
  2. 从现实出发从经济发展出发重新打造ccp的执政合法性;



An antidote to the so-called Chinese way of teaching

As I said before, I don’t think there is a single “Chinese way of teaching”. In addition, the Chinese ways of teaching are also changing. However, there are characters that are commonly agreed to be associated with Chinese ways of teaching: emphasis on discipline and order, rely primarily on repetition and memorization.

In the discussion provoked by the BBC documentary, “Are our kids touch enough: Chinese school”, I’ve seen a lot of people praising these characters. Well, here’s an antidote to the obsession of academic achievement:

Mind you, I don’t see this as a full argument against Chinese way of teaching. I’d love to get more cases like Gillian Lynne from Mr. Ken Robinson. However, this talk at least challenges us, reminds us to look further, wider, beyond academic achievement, in education. I’ll provide a Chinese translation to the transcript in another post.









2008年4月23日,有人(ID:Vicky. H)在华盛顿邮报的讨论区发表评论,说他收到这么一封邮件,据传邮报已经发表过了,但是没有证据。诗篇结尾签名是Duo-Liang Lin, Ph. D.




4月25日,一个ID叫做“A Poem Published by the Washington Post. ”的人又重新贴了这一首诗,加上了Duo-Liang Lin的签名。


Its authorship could not be confirmed.

此后国内媒体多声称这首诗是“林良多”教授发表在《华盛顿邮报》上。其实,Duo-Liang Lin的中文名字叫做“林多樑”;他向华盛顿邮报说明过自己并非作者;华盛顿邮报说的很清楚,作者身份无法确认。


P.S. Times在2008年也有一篇文章提到了这首诗:

Poetry and Prosaic Advice