







今日上海的面貌使我们已经难以想象她之前的样子,所以BBC记者Clive James记录下的1989年5月的上海就弥足珍贵了。

Clive James在上海生活了一个月,影片记录了当时普通人的衣食住行,也记录了今天不太为人知道的街头运动。至少从文案质量上看,今天的网红还是要跟着Clive学习一个。


上海永安百货老板郭标的四女儿Daisy Kwok(郭婉莹)在影片中接受采访,



Disappointed by the Testaments

While walking by a bookstore, I caught sight of The Testaments’ cover through the window. Intrigued, I went in and bought a copy. I would have preferred a paperback, but only hardcovers were available.

In the following days, I carried the book with me, reading it whenever I had time. After all, it was the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed The Handmaid’s Tale and had won the Booker Prize even before its publication.

Unfortunately, after reading it from cover to cover, I found myself disappointed.

(Spoilers ahead!)

To be fair, it was an engaging read. The book comprises narratives from three women in Gilead: Aunt Lydia, the powerful Aunt we knew from The Handmaid’s Tale; Nicole, a girl who grows up in Canada; and Agnes Jemima, who grows up in Gilead.

Aunt Lydia’s narrative recounts how she became an Aunt in Gilead, secretly working against the regime and documenting her secret plans in a hidden journal. The other two girls’ narratives were written after Gilead’s fall, hence the name Testaments. As the story unfolds, Nicole’s true identity is revealed, making the story’s direction quite clear.

This is where my dissatisfaction begins: from that point on, Aunt Lydia outsmarts all the villains, and a happy ending is achieved all too easily. Isn’t the fight for freedom supposed to be difficult?

At one point, I wondered if Nicole might fail her mission due to carelessness or the tattoo on her arm—in a film, that would be a clear hint at a plot twist, right? But nothing of the sort occurred.

I also hoped that Aunt Vidal might take over or Commander Judd might become suspicious. Alas, neither scenario materialized.

Everything falls within Aunt Lydia’s calculations, and everything goes according to plan. I couldn’t help but wonder—if Aunt Lydia were truly that intelligent, could she not have escaped Gilead long before?

Moreover, the book lacks any scenes that made me pause and ponder, as was often the case while reading The Handmaid’s Tale. It seems to me that all the possible themes were already explored in the first book, making this sequel little more than a response to readers’ desire for closure. As for the Booker Prize? Perhaps the judges were just fans. Who knows?

In Praise of Politics – 政治运作的礼赞




TX: 28.05.2019   0900-1000

Reith Lecturer: Jonathan Sumption

Lecture 2: In Praise of Politics  政治运作的礼赞




Podcast 链接


ANITA ANAND: Welcome to the second of the 2019 BBC Reith Lectures with the former Supreme Court Judge, Jonathan Sumption. We’re in England’s second city at the University of Birmingham’s Bramall Music Hall, a beautiful modern addition to this famous old red brick campus.

欢迎来到2019年BBC睿思讲座的第二场,由前最高法院法官Jonathan Sumption主讲。今天我们来到英格兰第二大城市伯明翰,伯明翰大学古老的红砖校园新建了一个漂亮的现代建筑,就是我们今天所在的Bramall音乐厅。

Our speaker this year began his series by raising concerns about the law’s growing influence over public life. He suggested that this expansion may not be good for democratic life.  Now, he develops this idea further, turning his attention to some fundamental issues which underpin democracy, how the State acquires and builds legitimacy and, mindful of recent events, how democracy accommodates difference, difference of opinion and experience.  This, he believes, is the job of politicians, not of judges.  


Will you please welcome the 2019 BBC Lecturer Jonathan Sumption. The lecture is called In Praise of Politics.

请欢迎2019年BBC睿思讲座主讲人Jonathan Sumption。本次讲座的主题为:政治运作的礼赞





继续阅读In Praise of Politics – 政治运作的礼赞

使女的故事 2017年卷首语


IN THE SPRING of 1984 I began to write a novel that was not initially called The Handmaid’s Tale. I wrote in long hand, mostly on yellow legal notepads, then transcribed my almost illegible scrawlings using a huge German-keyboard manual typewriter that I’d rented.

我从1984年春天开始写这部小说,一开始并不叫使女的故事。先手写,多数写在黄色的记事本上,然后再用一个巨大的德语键盘打字机把难以辨认的手稿录入。 继续阅读使女的故事 2017年卷首语

Law’s Expanding Empire – 扩张中的法律帝国

这是2019年BBC Reith系列讲座,BBC网站上的详细信息在这里



TX: 21.05.2019 0900-1000




Reith Lecturer: Jonathan Sumption


Lecture 1: Law’s Expanding Empire


ANITA ANAND: Welcome to the 2019 BBC Reith Lectures and to the magnificent Middle Temple Hall in central London. This splendid Elizabethan edifice is the centrepiece of one of four Inns of Court which date back to the 14th century and it has been a home to lawyers for hundreds of years. We could think of no more fitting place for this year’s lecturer to begin his series about the relationship between the law and politics. Right now, with the world looking as it does, could there be a more timely intervention?

欢迎来到2019 BBC睿思讲座,来到位于伦敦市中心的中殿律师学院的宏伟讲堂。这座伊丽莎白风格的辉煌讲堂一直是中殿律师学院的核心。中殿律师学院的历史可以追溯到14世纪,在几百年来一直是律师的家园。本年度的讲座将探讨法律与政治的关系,在这里开始本年度睿思讲座再合适不过了。目前,时局变化如此,讨论这个话题太及时了。

Having spent a career at the Bar, this year’s lecturer has been called a man with a “brain the size of a planet.” Recently retired as one of Britain’s top judges, after sitting in the Supreme Court, he has returned to his primary passion; history. His appropriately forensic accounts of the One Hundred Years War have been widely praised.

本年度的讲师被认为有 “容纳世界大脑”,在度过最高法院的法律生涯,刚刚以英国最高法官身份退休之后,他返回自己的最初的热情:历史。他在“百年战争”一书中恰切的记述受到广泛赞誉。

Over a series of five lectures he will set out a critique of what he regards as law’s expanding empire intruding into every corner of our lives. He will explain why he thinks this is a corroding influence in our democracy and how, and why, we should revive our political system.


Please welcome the BBC 2019 Reith Lecturer Jonathan Sumption.

有请2019年度BBC睿思主讲人Jonathan Sumption。



继续阅读Law’s Expanding Empire – 扩张中的法律帝国






Remote for Raspberry Pi + OSMC Media Center

It is not so difficult to turn your Raspberry into a media center. Installing OSMC is rather straight forward on Raspberry Pi. You just download the  image from OSMC website, write it to an SD card, boot your Raspberry from the SD card and that’s it. However, getting a remote working for your OSMC media center working proved to be rather challenging. This post is to record what I’ve learned from the internet in order to get a working remote.

What you need:

  • Raspberry Pi running OSMC;
  • IR Receiver (I’m using VS1838B, shown below);

  • Any IR remote with enough buttons;
  • A computer to access OSMC remotely;

Now, 3 steps to put all the things to together and have them work correctly.

继续阅读Remote for Raspberry Pi + OSMC Media Center