
又看到溺水的新闻,想起来几年前Dr. Atul Gawande的讲座中提到的溺水救治案例。这个案例发生于1999年,一个三岁的小女孩溺水超过半个小时,被救上来之后没有呼吸,没有心跳,瞳孔对光照没有反应,但是由于大家都不愿意放弃,经过努力,孩子被救活了,而且后来发展正常。

So this was a case report that laid out the treatment from following a case of a 3 year old girl.


She’d been in a small town in Austria and there her parents – it had been a winter day – her parents had gone out on a walk with her. And it was one of those terrible things: the parents lost sight of their little girl just for a moment and the next thing, they looked and she was out on the surface of this icy fishpond and then she fell through the ice under the water and was gone.

