









小石城事件(Little Rock Nine 或“小石城九人事件”)是1957年发生在美国阿肯色州小石城的非裔美国人学生进入当地小石城中央中学就读的事件。小石城中央中学开始招收黑人学生是事件的导火索,起初支持种族隔离的阿肯色州州长Orval Faubus阻止学生们进入学校,后来在美国总统艾森豪威尔(Dwight David Eisenhower)的介入下,学生们才得以进入学校。 (Getty)


Reith Lectures Blocked in China

眼看到年底了,手机2021年的Reith Lectures还没有更新。去BBC网站一看,内容已经发布到iTunes Podcast好几天了,只是我的手机没有收到更新。

连上VPN,再刷新手机上的程序,仍然没有新内容。尝试搜索reith lectures,只有几条无关的结果。


可以很清楚看到已经有两集更新,这时候点“Listen on Apple Podcasts”,会转入iTunes,然后弹出如下对话框:


Slow SSH Login

SSH login is supposed to be fast – All it needs are a key exchange to establish a secure channel and then an authentication process, which are both trivial tasks to modern computers. However, as it often happens, a simple login might take no less than 15 seconds.

I ran into this problem recently and had a investigation. As it turned out, there are multitude of factors that might affect the speed of the SSH login process. From the most obvious the to most inconspicuous, here are them:

  • The sshd_config file.

This is the main configuration file that controls the behavior of the ssh daemon. In this file, you want to make sure the following features are disabled:

继续阅读Slow SSH Login


上周翻书柜,又翻出这本《From mathematics to generic programming》,再到亚马逊上一搜,果然还没有中文版。我是Alexander Stepanov的粉丝,书一出来我就上美亚买了,就是打算翻译的。





Writing Pix4D compatible tags into pictures

If you’re looking for a method to write camera pose information into JPG files so that it can be read by Pix4D, as shown in the below screenshot:


Here is how to do it with exiftool:

  • First, you need a configuration file for exiftool. In the configuration file, you need the following content:
%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
    'Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main' => {
        Camera=> {
            SubDirectory => {
                TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Camera',
%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Camera = (
    GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-Camera', 2 => 'Other' },
    NAMESPACE => { 'Camera' => '' },
    WRITABLE => 'string',
    GPSXYAccuracy=> {},
    GPSZAccuracy => {},
    Pitch => {},
    Yaw => {},
  • Then you can using exiftool to add the information to any JPG file.
exiftool.exe -config config.min.cfg -Pitch="1.02" -Roll="2.03" -Pitch="3.04" original.jpg

If the command outputs: 1 image files updated. Then you’re done. Now the JPG file has the camera pose information encoded in. If you have more than 3 such pictures (only because Pix4D needs at least 3 pictures to work), you can see that Pix4D can get the data from the pictures.

The final twist, Pix4D displays Omega, Phi and Kappa instead of Pitch, Roll and Yaw. Basically, Pitch, Roll and Yaw are angles relative to the horizontal plane – orthogonal to the gravity while Omega, Phi and Kappa are related to earth. That means, with a fixed set of Pitch, Roll and Yaw, if you change your GPS location, you’ll get a different set Omega, Phi and Kappa. Personally I don’t see why should Pix4D use earth as the frame of reference instead of horizontal plane. Maybe just to hide the raw information in the pictures. Anyway, know you know how.