


@猛虎细嗅蔷薇 的回答已经切中了要点:
是否有利于经济发展,是否能带来经济发展,是否有实用价值,是一个非常单一的标准。而人类社会的发展是非常多维度的。无数美好的理想,信念,从实用角度一文不值。那是因为只知道从实用角度看,本来就错了。李明确说,党的执政合法性来自于“舍我其谁的执政能力”,但是说出来的执政能力表现完全集中于经济发展。 由此看来,李世默的演讲,其实本来不值得探讨。

另一方面,这个演讲的新鲜之处在于,显然他在为现行体制辩护——如果如楼上某些人所言,他仅仅是在 消解宏大叙事,那就完全不必赞美现行体制了,也不必论证党的执政合法性了——论证的起点却是共产主义宏大叙事的幻灭。此外,他选择直面执政合法性这个敏感 话题。直率的不像体制内!


  1. 共产主义宏大叙事已经是共产党执政的负资产,必须要抛弃,只是要讲策略,讲时机;
  2. 从现实出发从经济发展出发重新打造ccp的执政合法性;



An antidote to the so-called Chinese way of teaching

As I said before, I don’t think there is a single “Chinese way of teaching”. In addition, the Chinese ways of teaching are also changing. However, there are characters that are commonly agreed to be associated with Chinese ways of teaching: emphasis on discipline and order, rely primarily on repetition and memorization.

In the discussion provoked by the BBC documentary, “Are our kids touch enough: Chinese school”, I’ve seen a lot of people praising these characters. Well, here’s an antidote to the obsession of academic achievement:

Mind you, I don’t see this as a full argument against Chinese way of teaching. I’d love to get more cases like Gillian Lynne from Mr. Ken Robinson. However, this talk at least challenges us, reminds us to look further, wider, beyond academic achievement, in education. I’ll provide a Chinese translation to the transcript in another post.

Skin color is an illusion from Nina Jablonski

This talk is kind of special. The content has nothing really new to me, except the fact that Darwin had actually concluded that skin color has nothing to do with climate. However, Ms. Nina Jablonski delivered it in such passion and power that you feel the urge of immediate action.

You can tell from the fluent flow of long sentences that this is for sure a carefully prepared talk. But no passion was lost in the preparation. Outstanding!